
I swear I'm alive -- the elliptical says so!

Well, it’s been a busy week (or two) so I guess I haven’t been around as much as I’d like to have been. I didn’t actually remember that it had been a full two weeks since I updated until I started to write this post. I guess I’ll bullet what’s been going on to save your eyes from my rambling:

* 2.20.2006: The brother and I spent all of President’s Day book shopping – it was marvelous! I got an Umberto Eco book (because L loves him so much), a Capote novel, A Very Long Engagement by Sebastien Japrisot, A Clockwork Orange for Christen, The Pearl by Steinbeck and a Fitzgerald novel. At this point I don’t remember what the brother got, but they were good books. He’s such a brain.
* 2.21.2006: Mom’s birthday, I got her dark chocolates and a rubber ducky with tattoos and piercings all over it – just her taste! :)
* This weekend: My friend Bill called to tell me that he and my friend Alicia got engaged after dating for a little less than 4 months. I’m thrilled to death for them – they’re both fabulous people – but a little mopey for me. It was way sweet the way he popped the question. I told him to write the story for the magazine, so if he does and it gets published on the online issue I’ll set a link to it here. That makes … 5 marriages now? Then comes the babies, I’m sure. First were Shea/Kyle, then Londa/Jim, then Shelley/Richard, Theresa/Andrew, and now Bill/Alicia. Who else is getting married? Is it in the water? I swear I drink 96 oz of water a day!
* Sunday: Christen and I went to the exotic car show at Vinoy Park – so many pretty cars. I don’t like traditional exotics, like Porsche and Lamborghini, but I love old cars and they had tons of old Bentleys and Rolls Royces and such. No Cruel Intentions jaguars, but you can’t win them all :)

Monday started my new workout – I decided to start working out at work (there’s a small gym there) 4 days a week after work. Saturdays are yoga. I’ve stuck to it all week, so here’s to making a turn around! I’m really excited about yoga. We (Other April and I) were going to do pilates and yoga, but the lady at the fitness center said that it would be better if we worked up to both. So I’ll let you know how it goes.

I’ve also gotten addicted to fitday.com. It’s so great! You put your foods in and it tallies your calories and protein and carbs etc and gives you a little pie chart to see how balanced your diet is and stuff. You can pick things off the list of what they have or make custom foods if they don’t have it. I went to Boston Market last night and had 1/4 white meal and today I went on their Web site and got the nutritional info and put it into fitday. I don’t really count calories per se because that just doesn’t work for me, but this kind of makes me make better choices for my diet. I have a target calorie count, but mostly I just try to balance my pie chart and that keeps me where I want to be. I’m very serious in wanting to lose 45 pounds. I don’t think that’s unreasonable – I’m not trying to get to a size 2, I just know that I felt my healthiest when I weighed 45 lbs less, so I’m going to try to get there.

So homebound schooling is not working for The Brother. He can't stay in a fetal position for long, Alex. (Sorry, I'm watching Jeopardy.) I think he just needs to get his GED. Any thoughts on that?


Anonymous said...

Now that the GED is considered an actual high school diploma - I say get him out of there and into college where hopefully he can flourish. Maybe if high school lose enough students they'll learn the system is extremely screwed up!

Jamie said...

Yea! Another yoga person. You'll love it!

L said...

glad to see that you're alive!