
Uberdork? Mua?

How the heck do you spell that, anyhow? Mua? Mya? Mwa?

Anywho, I'm reading this:

And it's so good! After I finish I'm totally reading this:


OldLady Of The Hills said...

I've never heard of either of these books, but that really doesn't mean anything...There are so very many books I've never heard of...!

Here from Michele's tonight!

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a Christmas gift for my neighbor, the English teacher.

Michele sent me.

Anonymous said...

It's actually "moi".

Thanks for the tip. I'll take a peek at Amazon to get the low-down. (I am an English teacher, actually.)


here via Michele, überdork.

aprilbapryll said...

Ahh, moi. As in, pardon moi. :)

I'm generally a terrific speller, but every once in awhile I have a minor brain fart. And definitely check out Bryson's books -- he's great!

Anonymous said...

I think that Bill Bryson also wrote "A Walk in the Woods" a very funny personal account of his attempt to hike the 2,000+ mile Appalachian Trail