I know I've been lax on the whole blogger thing, but I really haven't been up to blogging. I don't know why. I figure rather than give you a halfhearted product that I would wait.
So here are the snippets of what's been happening:
--been shopping for bridesmaid's dresses for my best friend's wedding
--got a better (read: more stable) position in my company
--bought some great new shoes

--went to way too many bridal showers for other friends (not mine, excuse me while I pout)
--experienced my first strip club
--went to a wine festival last night and got
--found some lovely wines I might not have tried before, like Mark Davidson's Chardonnay and Black Oak's Riesling, which are definitely coming home with me again soon, because they were way yummy. There was a fantastic Cab Sauv, too, but I was already drunk so I don't remember the brand.
--been working on the next printed issue of the magazine
--spent way too much money on warmer clothing because it got really freaking cold for 1 1/2 weeks
--can't wear my new clothes because it's near 90 again
--pouting because the Bucs suck
--pouting because the Lightning suck
--wondering how they can say how good the Devil Rays are doing when they couldn't have done worse -- they can only improve at this juncture
--went to a couple geocaching events
--decided what to get Christen for Christmas
--am at a loss on what to get everyone else for Christmas
--am really freaked out that it's so close to Christmas
--read some great books, encluding
Speaking With the Angel, a collection of short stories edited by Nick Hornby.