

Every once in awhile I fall in love ... with my cell phone, all over again. I was playing around, and it seems I can check my email and login to yahoo messenger on it! Woohoo! I've found out that I may have to buy a new phone soon because Sprint bought Nextel (but maybe not because I have an i730) and I really don't wanna. I love my phone!

Another thing. I've not had flash on my computer since I bought it a little over two years ago. I've downloaded it over and over, and it never worked. This is a huge problem, because anymore almost any website requires flash. So last week we started using Firefox (before I used the usual I.E. or Firebird, but Firebird never worked properly). And now flash works! Hurrah! So evidently explorer wasn't working either, but I thought it was the flashplayer. Go internet!


Sharon said...

a cell phone can be like an arm or a leg. I hope you don't have to change your cell phone. Too traumatic!

Are you still getting your hair cut tomorrow?

aprilbapryll said...

I sure am! And I'm alternating between being nerve wracked and extremely excited. I think later today I'll a take "before" picture, and then tomorrow you can have "after pics" too. :D

Ryon said...

Firefox is the greatest browser ever created! I live and die for it. I think you should go buy the new Mac that just came out. Go to apple.com and check out how tiny the damn thing is. Plus, it is cheap if you already have a USB capable monitor, mouse, and keyboard. Macs are the greatest. They don't crash. There are hardly any viruses that affect them. Plus, the software is getting better daily. Enough of plugging Mac. I am sorry.

aprilbapryll said...

I used to hate Macs, but when I worked for the paper I got so used to them and Quark that I told Christen that if he ever gets another one (he picked out his mother's) that I was Quark. Just to play. Maybe I'll go hardcopy, like a zine. Hehehe ... how '90s?